
Showing posts from October, 2021


A letter to my foster son   You came into this world before you were expected, born early and weighing just a few pounds.  You spent the first weeks of your life in a NICU with care provided by a medical team. As a substance exposed newborn, you faced obstacles other preemies do not in your earliest days. From the NICU, you entered state custody and were put into "the system." A family member was able to be with you a few months, but the demands were too much - a new home was needed for you. When you were 6 months old, DCF began to search for another provider, making calls to foster parents. One of those calls was to us. We spoke with a social worker who explained your case and asked if we were open to a placement. You arrived at our door the next afternoon. Your time with us has gone by so fast and caused me to reflect on our journey together. As I was driving home last night, the radio played a song by Zach Williams and Dolly Parton. It was one I heard before, but for some