
Showing posts from January, 2021

The Light We Seek is Within Us

By now, you may have seen the speech "The Hill We Climb" by Poet Laureate Amanda Gorman on Inauguration Day. While I did not see it live, I was made aware of it through many posts on social media that drove me to watch a replay of it last night. After listening to her delivery, I sat in silence, so moved by her words that I literally could not find my own to describe the message in her poem. After reflecting on it for a few minutes, my first action was to text a link to my teenage daughter with the words "please watch this today." Later that evening, I watched it again with my wife and found myself even more inspired and filled with hope than after the first viewing. What Ms. Gorman expressed is her message has so many layers, it would take more than a simple blog to unpack all of it and I hesitate to even try for I'm not sure I could do it justice. Every now and then, someone comes along who is filled with so much light, we can't help but be drawn to it for