
Showing posts from October, 2020

The Rent is Due

At a time when so many are struggling, I've been contemplating how I can be of service to others. After our foster daughter of nearly a year left us in March to reunify with her family, we were all just learning about the COVID pandemic that would change our world. I recall deciding to take a break before accepting another foster placement, but it was some time before we received another call for assistance. As days turned into weeks and weeks became months, we began to think we weren't "open in the system" – available to receive new placements. Such was not the case and DCF confirmed they did have our status correct, but indicated since the shutdown of the state of CT in March, calls to the CareLine dropped significantly. In fact, "significantly" had a number … 33%. These calls serve as a trigger for DCF to investigate and confirm a child's well-being. A 33% drop means 14,600 less calls over a 6 month period – March to Aug. – vs. year ago. Let&#